Service to the Community Fiscal Year 2022-23
“This year, TWC made great strides connecting with organizations and individuals in the River Region,” said Ghandi Daniels, executive director of The Wellness Coalition. “The awareness campaigns and services we provided have impacted our community in a visible and exciting way. We continue to be committed to providing programs and education that promote healthier lifestyles and that create systematic change for the benefit of all.”
The Wellness Coalition Board continued to serve as a forum for “safety net” providers to network and coordinate issues related to persons affected by chronic disease and with little or no health insurance. In addition to this coordinative role, The Wellness Coalition has made a direct impact on the health of the community through our programs. Here are some key achievements:

The Wellness Coalition Baby Café “popped-up” in Lowndes, Macon, and Montgomery counties
The Wellness Coalition also:

TWC team preparing to welcome hundreds of visitors to our “A Tour of Wellness” event in Tuskegee