The Latest News
Hayneville Church Shares Thoughts on Living Well
“Graduates” from the first FMBC Living Well classes held January-February 2017. The Wellness Coalition works to develop partnerships and to employ [...]
COSA Applies CHW Training to Enhance Client Services
Yvette Hester assists a COSA client using Community Health Worker skills The Wellness Coalition recently trained five staff members of the [...]
Community Health Worker Spotlight: Young’s Mentoring
Through the REACH cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control, The Wellness Coalition now shares Community Health Worker Training with area nonprofit [...]
Quitline Update: March 2017
The Alabama Quitline's new vendor is IQH, and they will take over services starting April 1st!!! IQH was the vendor who helped Alabama [...]
Chronic Disease Self-Management Taught By Local Churches
A series of no-cost classes is being conducted by Montgomery and Lowndes County churches to teach members of the public how to self-manage [...]
Second Group of Healthy Corner Stores Report Success
The Wellness Coalition is working with the Central Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission (CARPDC) to increase the number of convenience stores that [...]
Letter From the Director: January 2017
Dear Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year presents you with opportunities for happiness, growth, [...]
Quitline Workgroup Update: January 2017
The Quitline received over 31,000 calls with over 10,000 people receiving services in 2016! FDA issues warnings to four tobacco product manufacturers [...]
MyPlate, MyWins Helps Americans Turn Resolutions into Solutions
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) launched a New Year's campaign to help Americans turn their [...]
Hayneville Church Shares Thoughts on Living Well
“Graduates” from the first FMBC Living Well classes held January-February 2017. The Wellness Coalition works to develop partnerships and to employ [...]
COSA Applies CHW Training to Enhance Client Services
Yvette Hester assists a COSA client using Community Health Worker skills The Wellness Coalition recently trained five staff members of the [...]
Community Health Worker Spotlight: Young’s Mentoring
Through the REACH cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control, The Wellness Coalition now shares Community Health Worker Training with area nonprofit [...]
Quitline Update: March 2017
The Alabama Quitline's new vendor is IQH, and they will take over services starting April 1st!!! IQH was the vendor who helped Alabama [...]
Chronic Disease Self-Management Taught By Local Churches
A series of no-cost classes is being conducted by Montgomery and Lowndes County churches to teach members of the public how to self-manage [...]
Second Group of Healthy Corner Stores Report Success
The Wellness Coalition is working with the Central Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission (CARPDC) to increase the number of convenience stores that [...]
Letter From the Director: January 2017
Dear Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year presents you with opportunities for happiness, growth, [...]
Quitline Workgroup Update: January 2017
The Quitline received over 31,000 calls with over 10,000 people receiving services in 2016! FDA issues warnings to four tobacco product manufacturers [...]
MyPlate, MyWins Helps Americans Turn Resolutions into Solutions
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) launched a New Year's campaign to help Americans turn their [...]
The Wellness Coalition Announces $3.9 Million Community Grant and 20 Years of Service
The Wellness Coalition (TWC) is celebrating 20 years of service to the River Region in 2019. In conjunction with this milestone, TWC is [...]
What’s Your Why for Better Health?
The inside jokes with a favorite cousin, the memories with a best friend, the family gatherings – these are some of the best [...]
Request for Proposals: Professional Evaluation Support Services
Background The Wellness Coalition is seeking an individual or organization to provide professional services in support of the REACH Cooperative Agreement with the [...]
Letter From the Director: Serving You Better
Dear Wellness Partners and Friends, The Wellness Coalition works every day to help people access the healthcare services they need. One of the [...]
Community Health Workers: Legacies and What the Future Holds
One of the many legacies of the REACH program is the development of Community Health Worker (CHW) training by The Wellness Coalition (TWC) [...]
Health Ministries: A Story of Three Churches Making An Impact
Health Ministry attendees get supplies to create their healthy salad jars at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church. Funding through a REACH cooperative [...]
Measuring our Impact: Meet the Evaluators
Jerry Ingram, PhD (left); Don Bogie, PhD (right) The Wellness Coalition (TWC) and its partners have implemented six different health interventions [...]
Growing Network of Community Health Workers Changing Health Outcomes in Alabama
The Wellness Coalition (TWC), located in Montgomery, Alabama, has been expanding a network of nonprofit organizations with Community Health Workers (CHW) by teaching [...]