It is that time of year again. The weather is pleasantly cool, the leaves are turning brown, and the celebrations of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year are just beyond the horizon. While making plans for the holidays, don’t forget to consider your healthcare needs as well. Daily, we complete tasks from our to-do list; however, no one plans to be sick and have an accident. Beginning November 1, 2021, The Wellness Coalition will begin insurance enrollment assistance for Alabamians via the Federal Marketplace.

Enrollment for this year will continue until January 15, 2022. During this time, we encourage you to take advantage of our Certified Application Counselors who will assist you in finding an affordable healthcare plan. If you experience a life-changing event, you may also qualify for insurance enrollment after January 15, 2022.

ACA Expands Coverage for Millions of Americans

On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act was enacted to provide access and affordable care for millions of Americans. Eligible individuals also have the opportunity to take advantage of a premium tax credit. A premium tax credit is a refundable tax credit that assists eligible individuals and families with low or moderate incomes to afford qualified health insurance.

The Affordable Care Act provides:

  • Coverage for pre-existing health conditions
  • Preventive care
  • More options for young adults
  • The choice of doctor
  • Breastfeeding and support
  • Mental health and substance abuse services

You Could Be Eligible for a Lower Monthly Premium

One of the greatest beneficial perks of the Affordable Care Act is that individuals are allowed to choose an individual Marketplace plan rather than one offered by an employer. Consider the following scenario: A single mother of two, Terri, is making $25,000 a year. Her employer has an insurance plan that costs $175 but she cannot afford the monthly principle while at the same time providing for her family. After completing an application, Terri qualifies for a premium tax credit of $569 a month, which is determined by her household size and income. Upon completion of her application, Terri pays a monthly premium of $32.57 a month.

In the scenario above, Terri saved an additional $140 dollars each month. Although the situation is different for each individual or family, the greatest advantage here is that you have the option of acquiring qualified health insurance that is also affordable.

Make An Appointment

If you are interested or know someone who can benefit from receiving affordable health insurance, please contact us at (334) 293-6502 to schedule time with a Certified Application Counselor.

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